Brain Game

Only a hawk-eyed person can find the frog in under 10 seconds

Only a hawk-eyed person can find the frog in under 10 seconds
Optical illusions can also improve your cognitive skills and encourage creative thought. They are an enjoyable method to exercise your brain and develop your problem-solving abilities.
Do you want to put your level of focus to the test?

The picture depicts a setting with a body of water and various-sized stones. In the lake, the sky is reflected.
You have 10 seconds to locate the frog that is hiding in the water body.

These puzzles that include optical illusions are a wonderful way to gauge your intelligence and ability to observe things.

They can also be entertaining and stimulating ways to kill time while honing your brainpower.

Finding a frog in the water is a challenging task since the reflection makes it hard to see the frog.

Only those with extraordinary observational abilities will be able to find the frog in the allotted time.

Even seasoned viewers may find it difficult to spot the frog because of how well it blends into its environment. Finding the frog requires persistence and close attention to detail.

The picture could include a variety of things, like vegetation, rocks, or water features that might resemble frogs. Search for patterns or designs that mimic a frog’s body or eyes.

Don’t worry if you haven’t located the frog yet; keep looking and you might succeed!

The answer is given below for those who are still looking.

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Optical illusions can also improve your cognitive skills and encourage creative thought. They are an enjoyable method to exercise your brain and hone your problem-solving abilities.

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